Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What's been the biggest, most dramatic and life-changing event in your life?

For example, moving to a different country; getting your big-break in terms of your career; being reunited with someone etc. What would you say is the single biggest and most life-changing event in your life? How and why did it come about? How has it affected you?What's been the biggest, most dramatic and life-changing event in your life?Giving birth to a healthy boy 18 years ago, I hope to have another life-changing event before I die.What's been the biggest, most dramatic and life-changing event in your life?Finding God

I have had the most amazing stuff happen to me,since giving my life to Christ!

I see visions....I know certain things, that would have been impossible...when I pray, I feel hands on me, like 'angels'.

I work inside a mens jail, and have the most awsome life is awsome!What's been the biggest, most dramatic and life-changing event in your life?erm... im only 16 and no dramatically lifechanging events have happened in my ligfe just yet

i would include stuff like:

moving to the area i have lived now for 12 years from london

going to secondary school...What's been the biggest, most dramatic and life-changing event in your life?Tricking my gorgeous angel of a wife into marrying a low-brow clown like me.What's been the biggest, most dramatic and life-changing event in your life?getting pregnantWhat's been the biggest, most dramatic and life-changing event in your life?COLLEGE. do is even have to explain why? lol.

college is as fun as it is hard.

it is life-changing because you learn a lot about life.What's been the biggest, most dramatic and life-changing event in your life?The birth of my son 13 years ago next week, you become a responsible person overnight, the realisation that you have to care for and protect another human life turns everything on its head.

I don't think I have to explain how he came about do I ?