i don't know if i believe it or not but i think its kinda interesting that out of all the types of drugs on the planet only hallucinogens are said to be able to help you learn about yourself, help you become a better person or other personal things along those lines.
so i was just wondering why are hallucinogens usually the only type of drug credited with having positive life changing attributes? whether its true or not why hallucinogens?Why are hallucinogens usually the only type of drug credited with having positive life changing attributes?The answer requires that you have taken hallucinogens. I've noticed that they take away biases and preconceived notions. We are born and raised without even knowing the jaded view that comes with cultural evolution. You re-evaluate your life. You take things with an entire saltshaker This can be very dangerous though. You can have epiphanies that your life is worthless, rather life itself is pointless. It can honestly change your life so much that you cant go back to living the same way. It can also bring about revelations as your mind makes connections that it normally doesnt (or shouldnt). I know the last time i took a hallucinogen i was speaking with my friend and came to the revelation that i dont need to take hallucinogens, what i wanted was a state of mind and i could get that without them. Its all in your brain and hallucinogens will often intensify moods or thoughts (Ivfe been stuck lying on a bed for hours contemplating the same thing going in a circle).
Be careful and most importantly dont forget to tell yourself that this is just the drug and everything will go back to normal afterwards and hopefully it does but you know have some knew knowledge or yourself and the world.Why are hallucinogens usually the only type of drug credited with having positive life changing attributes?because the other ones are purely for the physical buzz/sensation. you aren't going to gain any insight into yourself by injecting smack.