:]I'm looking for a life-changing church retreat/camp?If you want something life changing, voluntary to help out in some kind of charity or missionary work.I'm looking for a life-changing church retreat/camp?Check with the pastor or youth pastor of your local church who might have some information for you or resources where you can get that information. If not from your own church, then try churches in your area that share your doctrines and tenets of faith. If you don't attend a church regularly, this is a time to vistit area churches. You will need a bible-based church and pray that you will be lead to one that has active youth programs.
Not sure of the area where you live. There are many short-term events you could attend like speaking engagements, workshops, conventions and concerts geared towards your age group. Usually at those type of events there is information available on other Christian events, camps, etc.
CCM Magazine tour schedule (conferences, tours, speakers, etc.)
YWAM and Campus Crusades for Christ have a lot of information online and offer opportunities for short-term missionary work (from 1 to 3 weeks) for youths and students during the summer vacation months. As one member suggested, you might also try volunteer work.
Campus Crusades for Christ
Youth with a Mission (YWAM)
Be blessed.
xI'm looking for a life-changing church retreat/camp?You need to find a Bible teaching church with a good youth pastor and youth program. I know we have a good one and they meet once a week for Youth service plus have plenty of extra activities to keep youth encouraged and busy doing good instead of bored and searching.I'm looking for a life-changing church retreat/camp?This isn't based on Jesus, but I have been told that Deepak Chopra's Center is life changing and has renewed the faith in many of my friends. There are many different programs and retreats that you can choose from.'m looking for a life-changing church retreat/camp?A Pentecostal church may be what you are looking for . They preach and SHOW you the gospels and embrace being a part of the body of Christ. Are there any Assemblies of God churches in your area?
I'm looking for a life-changing church retreat/camp?
check Pinebrook Bible Conference %26amp; Retreat Center. 1 Pinebrook Road.East Stroudsburg. PA.18301
I'm looking for a life-changing church retreat/camp?most of them already happened in the summer...
Methodists have church camp in south carolinaI'm looking for a life-changing church retreat/camp?when you get to college join a christian youth group on campus