Monday, September 19, 2011

What has been your most life changing moment?

What was the moment that made you sit up, take notice and make a change. what has inspired you? broken you? lifted you up?

can be the best moment ever... or the worstWhat has been your most life changing moment?Not sure if this incident changed my life but it gave me the answer I had been looking for without a word being spoken!

The story goes : A few years back my son ( he was approx. 13 )and I were at a gas station. I gave him the money to run in and pay. I noticed a man in a wheelchair heading to the doors of the station. People passed him by, going about their business. He struggled with the door with no help from anyone (all strong adults capable of holding a door) till my son got to the door and held it open for him.

It was a moment of confirmation,that I had raised him well, as I sat there silently in the car waiting for him to return. When he climbed into the car I mentioned to him what I saw ( that many passed by and did nothing but he stopped and held the door ) and thanked him for helping someone other than himself at the ripe old age of 13.

Now this young man has a home of his own and I don't see him as much as I would like but he is STILL the most amazing thing in my life !! His life keeps getting better and better for he does for others and it all returns to him by leaps and bounds!

Those who claim life isn't fair have yet to truly do something selfless !What has been your most life changing moment?being born and giving birthWhat has been your most life changing moment?It wasnt a %26quot;moment%26quot;, but an experience that took about two weeks. It was the two weeks I spent in the Amazon rain forest in '97. It made me stop seeing the world from just the human perspective, and see the world from the broader perspective of all living things.What has been your most life changing moment?i,ll never forget the day that broke me. it was when my g/f of 11 years told me she didn,t love me anymore (i later found out she had been cheating on me) it took me three long months of crying every night, almost losing my job %26amp; going down to 8 stone to get over it. the day that lifted me up was when i realised that u can love again %26amp; all is not lost. it just takes time. good question by the wayWhat has been your most life changing moment?Getting made redundant at the end of 1989. It meant that I travelled, worked in another country for a year: now I work for myself. It also meant that I gave up smoking since I knew that money would be tighter. I think that it was the best thing that ever happened to me, otherwise I might still be in the same job and living in a town that I did not like, Brighton.What has been your most life changing moment?Imarried my wonder-full wife 10 years ago,she saved my life.What has been your most life changing moment?broken me- brothers sudden death 1972

lifted me- sons birth 1977

take notice- when I turned 50 2006What has been your most life changing moment?Cardiac arrest.What has been your most life changing moment?When I lost Mom to Alzheimers', Dementia and Parkinsons', that made me see alot of things differently, I try to be a better person, or I just stay in, it has only been 2 years, so I am still trying to get through it, it has really changed my life, I pray alot more now, too.What has been your most life changing moment?First meeting the man of my dreams and marrying him, after that I would say the most life changing moment was the birth of our son. Once you have a child you realize that there's a lot more to life then just yourself.!What has been your most life changing moment?didn't see my mother for 10 years, finely i decide to go to see her with my 2 boys.....after all these years she acted like she didn't miss me or my kids. that hurtWhat has been your most life changing moment?When i discovered the Truth......What has been your most life changing moment?The woman's answer ~ Giving birth! Changed me completely! Oh, and getting plastered in tattoos, I appreciate my identity alot more now, being an individual rocks!What has been your most life changing moment?BEST

Having my son

Meeting my husband


Meeting my ex husbandWhat has been your most life changing moment?My best ever moment, was having my daughter, and she was a lovely healthy little baby, until she was 14 months old, and she started to have seizures, she is six now, but has spent most of her life in the hospital. This has made me a different person to who I was, I used to be happy go lucky, but not anymore.

She's my soul mate.What has been your most life changing moment?My most life changing moment was when my abusive ex-husband said %26quot;I don't want children, have an abortion, It's me or the baby, you choose%26quot; At the time I had no self confidence or self esteem and didn't believe that I was worth anything, my baby however was worth the world to me so I chose the baby, moving into a hostel and really struggling for a few years, but now 12 years on me, my son and my new man are blissfully happy.What has been your most life changing moment?The moment I realized I was a furry. Never been the same or acted the same since then.What has been your most life changing moment?Nothing will ever change me as much as having a child.

Ever since he came in to my life he has been the person I care about the most, worry about the most, love the most and work the hardest for.What has been your most life changing moment?Getting married changed my life forever. Having a child did also. Accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior also changed my life forever. I have a long way to go...I hope. If not, then things are not too bad. My worst moments were after I broke up with my fiancee. That was before meeting my wife. After the break-up, I truly wanted to die. Glad now that I didn't. My wife is wonderful. My child is wonderful. Life is not bad. As I learn, things get a little better, tougher but better.What has been your most life changing moment?Studying in Costa Rica and reading the newspaper depicting the US as a bully. I always believed our country only fought for the good of the world. I realized how brainwashed I truly was.What has been your most life changing moment?When I became very ill at 12 . I have severe scolisis it was 100% the dr said I would die without 2 operations, and with the opertion i coudl die or risk being paralized .

The pain during that time was undescible Fear was as well I still remember most of it the pain of being moved to take Xrays on this cold metal portable machine . all kinds of weird things BUT This also changed me as all things in lfe do I learned to be more caring and understanding of those in pain and give them as much respect when they need my help i learned i can overcome

( i need to remind myself a lot)