Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?

How do you deal with it? Do you plough straight in and not think about it? Do you asess every single situation? How do you deal with the stress? somebody hand me the prozacWhat do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?You have to think about what you are doing if it is life changing, but we have to take some risks in life in order to move forward. If the thought of making the wrong decision is making you so stressed then perhaps you should reconsider what you are on the verge of doing. Do not make yourself ill over it.What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?Procrastinate, of course.

Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?Try to think of all possible outcomes and choose the option w/ the greatest possible one...important decisions are most of the time the ones we have to choose that which we don't necessarily want.....this can be misconstrued...this is not to say make the decision that is less desirable because it is the right thing to is *because* it is the right thing to do that we choose... good luck...What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?I go to Yahoo! Answers and ask, %26quot;What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion? How do you deal with it? Do you plough straight in and not think about it? Do you asess every single situation? How do you deal with the stress? somebody hand me the prozac%26quot;What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?make a list well make a lot of lists, why you should, why you shouldn't, will it be better, if so how, will it be worse if so how and if it is a job, what will you gain, what will you loose, I quit a job and forgot I had the insurance (FREE!), but it worked out.....but try to think of every angle you possibly can, then when you see it on paper you ask yourself is it worth it to have this happen or is it worth it to not change.........I will tell you happiness is worth a lot! good luck!What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?First I pray for wisdom and guidance. Then, depending on the decision, I study the pros and cons of each possible resolution or of the ones that I am leaning toward. I may also speak to friends or acquaintances who have already made a similar decision to get their input. How did they come to the conclusion they did? Are they happy with their decision? What would they do differently if they could do it over again? Since I have asked God for guidance I pay particular attention to Bible verses, Bible based magazine articles or Bible lectures that could apply to my decision.What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?I agree with Stargazer. You need to look at all angles and think about the consequences. It needs to be done over a period of time, if it's a huge, life changing decision, because you will feel different about it on different days. For me it always helps if I talk it through with my best friend or my mum. They know me well and have the guts to give me different angles or even to criticise me about where they think I am going wrong. It might not be, what I want to hear, but they often made me look at angles, I hadn't considered before. In the end my decision will be a combination of logic (%26quot;The sensible thing to do%26quot;) %26amp; my intuition (Hey, that's what us girls are ment to be good with...!) Hope this helps %26amp; all the best!

Wasn't it great, when we were children? The world was so black %26amp; white! Life was soooo easy back then!What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?In addition to all the great answers already posted, I listen to that little inner voice. I've never gone wrong when I trust my intuition, but I've gotten disastrous results when I do not %26quot;trust my gut%26quot;.What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?I just go for it and pick up the peices if I **** it up afterwards. So far so good.What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?Consider it over a bottle of plonk!What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?If I'm still undecided then I know I don't have enough information. I never have a problem with decisions- I don't actually analyse all the outcomes consciously - when I'm ready (ie have all info) then the various outcomes pan out before me like so many maps. Its like they are lying around on the floor and I just have to pick one up.

The only time I hesitated, I realised it was because the two options were equally good (or bad, depending on your point of view) and although leading in opposite directions, either could be made good -just different results.

To meditate on a particular problem and to check that I haven't overlooked anything- I use the I Ching. I also play chess, which helps with the forecasting and thinking ahead.What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?I assess it (pros/cons on paper, etc.), talk about it, then declare the decision and try it on for a few days, tell everyone about it as a check in case I might have lost my mind or ask what they think about it so I can verbalize my reasoning/rationalization, and if it feels right...continue living with it

the talking along with a bit of beer/wine and some exercise is how I deal with the stressWhat do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?Here are three suggestions that I have used in the past to make decisions.

Use tarot cards, or any way of accessing your 'gut feeling'. Deep inside, you know which is the right way for you, or what you want/need to do, but logic and other considerations, like what you 'should' do, get in the way.

Tarot cards will show you what you know to be the right way for you. (Do it for yourself, your own interpretation, using the guidance notes in the pack. I'm not suggesting you use a professional card reader - it's just a tool to help you look into your subconcious.)

Another way is to choose one option, and pretend that you've made the decision, and put all the other options aside. Allow yourself a while to feel where this new direction is taking you. Are you excited about the future? Relieved? How do you feel about what you've rejected?

Then there's praying for revelation, and sleeping on it. Pray, then go to bed, and stop worrying about it. Sometimes the 'right' thing is blindingly obvious in the morning.

All the best!What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?I think it is important to make sure that you are not avoiding a choice because you are afraid - afraid of confrontation, or hard work, or failure. Too many people choose to do %26quot;nothing%26quot; - the default choice - to avoid having to take responsibility for their actions. Obvioulsly the difficult choice isn't always the best one, but you'll be happier in the long run if you don't run from what you know in your heart to be the %26quot;right%26quot; decision.What do you do when your about to make a life changing deicesion?i am bad about it i asess every move and end up where i can't sleep until i come to a resolution. of course after i sleep then it looks totaly different the next day and i have to start over again. i deal with stress by losing sleep until i wear myself out. pounderinng problems seems to be my life :)