A car accident (the other drivers fault) has permenantly injured my right knee. I have had one surgury and have arthritous in it now. I am sewing the insurance company but I am sick of waiting and hate my lifes' drawbacks now... any words of wisdomHow do you cope after a life changing accident?Major accidents like the one you've gone through affect the mind more than the body. I've gone through one.
I suffered 13 fractures in the rib-cage, barely missing a direct hit to the heart and survived.
I found the following very useful:
a. Get back to your work routine as soon as permitted.
b, Forgive, forgive, forgive...... and let go of all those negative emotions! They sure don't help me recover.
c. I've got a second chance at life. Let me make good use of every moment.How do you cope after a life changing accident?be patient, grasshopper, all will become clear. Ya never know what opportunities wait on your horizon.How do you cope after a life changing accident?Be positive and go to physiotherapy, ask your doctor if he knows of any support groups for people in a similar situation. Pray about it-The Lord works Miracles everyday.How do you cope after a life changing accident?be thankful you still have your leg. . .a bad knee is better than no knee.How do you cope after a life changing accident?Life is way to short to carry around hatred and anger! Find God then you will find forgiveness and be able to move on.How do you cope after a life changing accident?life goes on. we cant control our fate. it happens and sometimes, we just got to learn to accept it. we seem to take things for granted until we loose it. its hard and i knw it is. its been tough but life just goes on as though nothing happened. well...i pretend to be like that.what can i do? its all there in my heart and head about how i feel but try not to show it to no one because no one understands anyways. hope u get better soon and for some people, its hard accepting things in life and hard to adapt to. others are good at adaptation and just accept whats happened. be happy and please cheer up. it could have been worse. some ppl just need to learn adaptation, to others, it comes naturally. take care xHow do you cope after a life changing accident?On Jan. 04 of 2004, I was seriously injured while at sea as a merchant mariner. I have lost much, both finical and physically. Further, I to am involved in a lawsuit. I have had three surgeries and need two more. First off, I suggest you start and continue to take a supplement call gucosamin condrotent (spelling may be wrong). This will help your knee grow more cartilage, which acts as the cushion, or shock absorber, in your knee. Second, I suggest you see a D.O.. They may seem weird but I've had more and better results from them than %26quot;normal%26quot; doctors. Finally, I suggest you find or build yourself some support. I, for instance, MADE myself go out everyday, even to just get the mail or a cup of coffee. Keeps you moving and gives you something to get up, shower and dressed for.
And I don't know if this is proper but please e-mail me if I can help you or if you want to talk. I've been there and am still there! randolph9337@yahoo.comHow do you cope after a life changing accident?In my experience, changing my perspective of my life-changing health problem has been the answer. It has taken some time, and there are days when I slip back and think, %26quot;Poor me.%26quot; But that's rare now. You say you %26quot;hate my life's drawbacks.%26quot; Once you can begin to see the changes in your life not as drawbacks but simply as the way things are now, as part of what is now normal for you, then you'll feel better mentally/emotionally. And trite as it may sound, it's helpful (I've found) to look at people who have worse physical challenges than you do and see how they've overcome them and gone on to do wonderful things or live their lives to the fullest, not letting a physical challenge get in their way.
Good luck.How do you cope after a life changing accident?Realize that life does move on and won't stop for your troubles..so pick yourself up and make the best of it, never regretting what happened in the past. If you keep going back to there, you'll never get over it.