Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?

me or for anyone other than yourself?

Thanks!Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?The stick their noses into your personal life to feel important.

Anti-choicers support all kinds of deadly businesses that sponsor the GOP such as

-gun lobby

-tobacco lobby

-insurance industry

-defense contractors

WHO is killing babies? Really. Wow,

Keep reproductive rights legal.Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?ur momAnti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?I understand they think with their hearts. Small wonder they're confused.Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?You see, we all know that a man or another woman should have direct control over you. By the way, those shoes just don't work. I expect you to buy new ones and wear those. LISTEN TO ME FOR I AM A MALE!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!KLASDFJL…

Edit: I don't think I have any say in someone else's life, but that means I LOVE TO KILL BABIES. WOOO BABY DEATH ROCKS!!!Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?I went to %26quot;make a life changing decision for the cute little puppy%26quot; school. I gots a diploma.Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?Where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to enforce the need for credentials?

The largest generation in the history of this nation should have produced an even larger number of children. Instead, we are worried about having enough money in the Social Security system to cover a few of our expenses when we retire because we made sure the numbers were not there. I am thoroughly ashamed that things got so out of control in this country. I could expect it to happen in other places, but surely not here.

I share the experience of Allen B. So many men in this country do. You say we have no heart for the women we would deny the free rule of their own bodies. Where is your heart for the innocent children who will never get to know that mother or father? Why would anyone capable of the least amount of compassion allow children to die for the sake of convenient last minute birth control? At the age of 28 I was at sea with the navy when I learned that my twin babies were aborted. I had no right to say a thing because I was just a man and it was not my body. I stayed with their mother for 13 years before we parted, and the most damaging thing I did to her was ride her for the death of my children. I deeply regret both of those incidences. The memory stayed hidden inside until the day that the only thing keeping it hidden was lost. I am 59 now and I am amazed that at the time I was defending my country, that country had moved to deny me the right to defend my own family.

I have plenty of credentials. What are yours?Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?The same place you obtained the credentials that qualify you to make a life-ending decision for the unborn.

durrr!Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?They don't. They %26quot;make decisions%26quot; by lobbying the Legislature. As does any other pressure group.Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?Where did the Pro-choicers get the moral right to murder babies whenever it is more convenient for them?Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?What's an %26quot;anti-choicer%26quot;? If you want to drop out of business school, go right ahead.Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?Do I have to go to a special school to have an opinion on what is right or wrong? Why don't you ask the fetus what it thinks about abortion?

What if I choose to start torturing cute little puppies to death? My dog just had puppies, and I am worried that I will have to take care of them. Would you care if I did to those puppies what they do to the fetuses? If you have pity and compassion for puppies but none for babies, then you have some serious priority problems.Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?pro-choicer: from where do you obtain the credential that qualify you to murder a human life without guilt or punishment? What gives you the credentials to re-define life? What gives you the gumption to attempt to erase naturally life-changing consequences for your life-changing decision?Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?This is an excellent question.

You could address it to %26quot;anti-lifers%26quot; and it would have exactly the same validity and logical soundness as it has right now.Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?I reject the label of anti-choicer. If this was a hangnail and not a baby, there wouldn't be any controversy.


Preamble to the Declaration of Independence. %26quot;right to life.....%26quot;

and from God: %26quot;endowed by their Creator...%26quot;Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?Because an abortion clinic threw away a live baby. The credentials are called morals. They promote people to do good. Maybe you're unfamiliar with them.


Abortion causes people to do bad things. Like murder live babies.

Edit: Allan your story is so sad. I'm so sorry that you had to experience that. I know that you can find peace, and I know that one day you will be reunited with that little spirit and you will be given the chance to raise him. He's your son.Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?it's a pyramid.

some choose for us while we choose for others and so on.

but choosing for ones self is one thing and choosing for others is a whole other.

as the person who does the choosing should have more knowledge in the field he's choosing in.

but it's a power given voluntarily by the individual and they CAN take it back if they suspect those choice aren't made in their best interest.Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?My son's life was ended in the 7th month of pregnancy the day after he first responded with kicks to his name. While I was at work he was killed without any input from me.

The pain of the loss never goes away. I have learned to live day to day with the pain, but still it never leaves. I feel that qualifies me to warn others about the pain that they will face.

Also consider this: Planned Parenthood is doing the very thing that you are accusing us of but with the intent to kill the baby for the love of money.Anti-choicers: From where do you obtain the credentials that qualify you to make a life-changing decision for?If you go around having a sex rampage and you wind up pregnant, you should take some responsibility for your actions. If you'd rather not make your bed, then all I can say is %26quot;you're a sloth.%26quot;