Friday, September 23, 2011

Happily Married Couples: How is such a big, life-changing decision as marriage taken?

Does it come naturally? Is it obvious? Or is it the result of painful deliberation?Happily Married Couples: How is such a big, life-changing decision as marriage taken?Very obvious. Its when you know you don't ever want to be without, make a decision without or share life without that person.Happily Married Couples: How is such a big, life-changing decision as marriage taken?very easy when you find the right one harder if it is not. And painful when you don't listen to your own thinkingHappily Married Couples: How is such a big, life-changing decision as marriage taken?I'm not married yet? but I'm with the girl i love? %26amp; i know im going to marry her.

The thing is that you just know she's right for you? your heart will tell you that is a person you cant ever let go? and that there the one you always want to be with.

Hope that helps.Happily Married Couples: How is such a big, life-changing decision as marriage taken?When you love the person so much that you want to be with them forever...You'll not be able to wait to get married!!!

You'll know when it's right!!!!Happily Married Couples: How is such a big, life-changing decision as marriage taken?No its joyous..its making your feelings legal and theres commitment and much love....after 3 mos people know when theyre in love...sometimes even sooner...wait only 18 mos then marry..Happily Married Couples: How is such a big, life-changing decision as marriage taken?There is no way to know. I've seen couples that swear they are %26quot;soul mates%26quot; divorce after a shor time. I've been married 27 years and I had no idea what I was getting into. I was barely 18. (no she wasn't preg)Happily Married Couples: How is such a big, life-changing decision as marriage taken?i agree with sarelHappily Married Couples: How is such a big, life-changing decision as marriage taken?my children sitting on my lap comes from this joy.

;-PHappily Married Couples: How is such a big, life-changing decision as marriage taken?umm well i dont think you can categorize marriage like that. i am happily married and I am in love, I had second thoughts absolutely. I wanted to run. I wanted at the same time to be married and get past the wedding part. I had quite a bit o time to think it thru. My husband and I talked for hours into the night for weeks untill we decided to do it.