Friday, September 23, 2011

Has any answer given to you on this site been life changing?

People get on here and ask about some pretty huge problems...I was just wondering if anybody has ever been given an answer that has really made a difference.Has any answer given to you on this site been life changing?.

It is not any SINGLE answer which has changed my life ---- but my experience of being at Yahoo Answers has certainly contributed towards a positive change in my life.

I am basically an introvert of the worst type. It is difficult for people to approach me. I am a lecturer. When I have a free period, it is my habit to read a book in a corner most seat. I have NEVER made friends except two life time ones. People know me as a meek and shy person.

Yahoo Answers gave me a platform where I overcame my shyness

When I answered some questions and some were selected as BEST, it gave me confidence in myself. Being acknowledged on a world wide platform made me bold and I gradually learnt to express myself freely

Another change is that when I was approached for friendship by another Yahoo Answerer, I was reluctant at first. But soon I found myself accepting friends and also reaching out to make friends.

Since I am invisible and not exactly in the company of people and since my real identity is protected, it gives me the advantage of 榗ontrolling?the degree of friendship I wish to maintain and also in 榮hedding?some of my inhibitions.

I have learnt a lot here. I have been shocked, surprised and amused. This interactive site has helped to change my opinion about myself... and my personality

.Has any answer given to you on this site been life changing?No, but very helpfulHas any answer given to you on this site been life changing?no but some have been helpful, some comical, some stupid but overall entertaining or I would not be on it.Has any answer given to you on this site been life changing?I don't know about life changing but I have seen some really good answers that can be helpful.

That being said I've also seen some horrible answers and have seen people be attacked for no reason. I fear that those bad and nasty answers leave a bigger impact than the good ones.Has any answer given to you on this site been life changing?no. I don't get good answers even though I'm answering many questions in a detailed manner.Has any answer given to you on this site been life changing?No but I have learned a few things.Has any answer given to you on this site been life changing?Yes. I have gotten best answers many times and was told my answer helped a LOT - I have made a difference.

Some of those ppl I talk with on IM or via email now.Has any answer given to you on this site been life changing?Some have challenged me in how to better phrase my answers, some have challenged me as to how I truly believe in a matter. Some have reminded me just how set we do get in our thoughts and ways and that I need to re-evaluate. None have changed my faith in Jesus Christ - as nothing can or will - it's based on truth and nothing should change our values based on truth. Some of the Q%26amp;A's have opened my eyes to some of the more serious problems our young people face and feel very isolated about. Some have confirmed my suspicions of just how sexually vile our nation has become. They have caused me to change how I pray for our nation and its people and how I might be a better witness without turning people off from Jesus, but to challenge them to even consider him - as many seem to think him the enemy without ever having given him a chance. It has broadened my understanding of America and what people feel and think about the myraid of issues we are faced with. So, even though it may not seem like a difference has been made in my life personally, as I truly ponder this question, I realize it has made a difference and that is good, becasue anything that challenges me to grow and mature and to gain more knowledge and understanding that I can better serve the Lord is always a good thing. By the way - this was an excellent question! If questions were rated - I give you a best question!Has any answer given to you on this site been life changing?no but very interesting anyhow.Has any answer given to you on this site been life changing?Life changing, no, but it is advice whether good or bad and sometimes you want more than just one opinionHas any answer given to you on this site been life changing?Have you? Use this or not. Up 2 U.

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