I don't mean a book you really enjoyed. I mean a book that totally changed the way you look at the world. A paradigm shifting re-arrangement of the way you view the world. A book that made you realise there was another way of doing things
And Why???
P.S. I'm talking fiction here, so please no %26quot;The bible%26quot; answers thanksWhat was a life-changing book for you?One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. This was the first book I devoured and still was blown away by the symbolism and themes in a book. That the themes were a lesson in how no two people experience the world in the same way and that everybody has an obligation to be their true selves no matter the cost. These things keep me reading this book over and over.What was a life-changing book for you?None, actually.
If there really is an effective book out there, I'm pretty sure it would show up on the New York Times Bestseller list.
Believe me... I'm 28 and have never been on a date. I've contemplated reading several books, if not about %26quot;pimping%26quot; then maybe just about being more positive about life, in general.
Either I'm illiterate, or these books contained worthless material. I think it's the latter.What was a life-changing book for you?Mercedes Lackey's Last Herald Mage trilogyWhat was a life-changing book for you?Mitch Albom's Five people you meet in Heaven.
Its full of really good, not too wishy washy values and ideas.What was a life-changing book for you?Stranger in a Strange Land. Its by Heinlein.
It takes a serious stab at organized religion. I don't think I had ever thought about it. But that book helped open my eyes.What was a life-changing book for you?THe youthful diary, DIscussions on youth
Changed my life as a whole.What was a life-changing book for you?my sister's keeper, by jodi picoult. it has no religious base, just science, really. it really makes you wonder if young children should be able to have a choice when it comes to their bodies. would they take care of themselves, or would it be a bad idea all together? i read it two years ago and its still one of my favorite books.What was a life-changing book for you?The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis
The Giver, Lois Lowry
Bridge to Terabithia, Paterson
Dossier on the Ascension, Serapis BeyWhat was a life-changing book for you?I Heard The Owl Call My Name by Margaret Craven.Read that book and your view of the world will never be the same.What was a life-changing book for you?Harry Potter.
I've been addicted to reading since.What was a life-changing book for you?Sold. It was a Russian book translated into English by Natasja and Vera Efron. It's unbelievably tragic and heart-wrenching. I will never look at prostitution or slavery in the same way again. I'm going to keep my eyes open and if I ever hear something strange from my neighbors or girls with older, sleazy guys I'm going to call the police immediately. This book has truly changed my life in ways I never thought possible.