Friday, September 23, 2011

Is losing your virginity supposed to be life changing?

i lost my virginity today

but i don't feel any different at all

i've never thought of sex as THAT big of a deal

but still aren't i supposed to feel more womanly

and close to my bf or something???

is this normal or is there something wrong with me?Is losing your virginity supposed to be life changing?lol. no there is nothing wrong with you. Losing your virginity is different for everyone. Physically all you are probably gonna feel is pain. Im sure it hurt. Emotionally it depends. Some people do feel closer to their significant others, some feel totally disgusted. Some people make a big deal about losing their virginity, others like yourself are kind of like ehh, big deal. The best thing to do is ask yourself, do I love this person? if the answer is yes then everything is fine. If the answer is no, then maybe you should think about taking a few steps back and looking at the situation before you do anything elseIs losing your virginity supposed to be life changing?Maybe you didn't enjoy your sex as much as you had hoped. I know that when I took my girlfriends virginity she became super attached to me. Also maybe he wasn't the right person you wanted to lose it to. Or do you regret it? Those are some possibilities.Is losing your virginity supposed to be life changing?Life changing? Not today when teenagers having sex is on the same moral level as two dogs in an alley. what is wrong with you has no cure. it is you home life, your lack of a moral upbringing, and your parents who are unfit to raise kids, let alone have them. yes. it is supposed to mean something and it does to some. the fact that it doesn't to you is very very sad. you deserve a better life but were cursed from birth. sorry. 8~)Is losing your virginity supposed to be life changing?If you thought you where going to see stars and fireworks going off you where wrong. You have to learn to control your partner so that he won't finish after a half dozen strokes. When you have your first orgasm that lead to more while your doing that's when you feel so good you just not want to stopIs losing your virginity supposed to be life changing?you will feel closer to him when he gives you an orgasim. sharing orgasims together brings you closer together. hav him give you an orgasim by using his fingers or his mouth before he inserts his penis into your vagina because he probly does not yet have the control to give you an orgasim vaginoley before he comes.